United States Supreme Court Fast Facts
Here, we list some Fast Facts About the United States Supreme Court. The Court chooses the cases it will hear by Oral Argument each term and this is usually consists of less than 100 cases. The United States Supreme Court begins each term on the first Monday in October and lasts until the first Monday in October of the next year.
All United States Supreme Court Justices are nominated by sitting United States Presidents and must be confirmed by members of the Senate. Each member of the Court is appointed for life or until they choose to retire.
The current roster of Supreme Court Justices consists of the following Justices and the Presidents who appointed each of them.
John Roberts, Jr. – Chief Justice – Appointed by George W. Bush;
Anthony Kennedy – Associate Justice – Appointed by Ronald Reagan (Retiring 7-31-2018);
Brett Kavanaugh is nominated replace Justice Kennedy by President Donald J. Trump;
Clarence Thomas – Associate Justice – Appointed by George H.W. Bush;
Ruth Bader Ginsburg – Associate Justice – Appointed by Bill Clinton;
Stephen Breyer – Associate Justice – Appointed by Bill Clinton;
Samuel Alito – Associate Justice – Appointed by George W. Bush;
Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice – Appointed by Barack Obama;
Elena Kagan, Associate Justice – Appointed by Barack Obama;
Neil M. Gorsuch, Associate Justice – Appointed by Donald Trump.
The youngest member of the United States Supreme Court is Associate Justice, Neil Gorsuch – 50 years old. The oldest member of the United States Supreme Court is Associate Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg at 85 years of age. The longest sitting member of the United States Supreme Court is Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy, who served for 30 years. Justice Kennedy was appointed in 1988. He is the only current sitting justice who was unanimously confirmed by the Senate (97-0). He is retiring on July 31, 2018.
There are 9 members who vote on matters at issue. Each term, approximately 7000 – 8000 cases are filed with the “highest court in the land.” The Supreme Court is open to the public Monday through Friday and is located in Washington, D.C., on Capital Hill.
For more facts and information about our US Supreme Court, including their latest decisions, visit their website.
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